Tailwind UI Review 2023
Here it is! My Tailwind UI review originally written in 2023, but updated for 2024!
What is Tailwind UI
Tailwind UI is a set of components and templates created by the guys that made Tailwind CSS. It speeds up development by allowing you to focus on writing logical code rather than worrying about design. For me this is great as I am not naturally good at design. When I try to design websites by myself they look like they were created in the 1990’s. Which is not ideal. So without any more waffling, let’s get into the review.
Here it is, my review of Tailwind UI. I’ll cut to the chase. It’s good, very good. It’s so good that it makes me wonder why I am even bothering to write a review for it. It’s so good that I want to cry. It’s so good, that when I first bought it, I turned to my friend Geoffrey – who was sitting next to me – and said “this is pretty good.” That was a lie. Not the bit about it being good. The bit about Geoffrey. I don’t have a friend called Geoffrey. Anyway, let’s take a look at the pros and cons of Tailwind UI!
Pros of using Tailwind UI
There are many reasons to use Tailwind UI. Let’s take a look at some of these reasons.
LOTS of components
There are loads of components. This is great because it means that you will almost certainly find a component that fits your need for every situation you find yourself in. If you need a hero section, there (at the time of writing this) are 12 to choose from. Need a call to action? Well there are 11 to choose from. Need a table? There are 20, yes 20 to choose from. The choice is ridiculously good.
Great looking components
The components look beautiful. This is great as it means that your website is going to look good no matter what. It makes it look like you have design skills even if you are like me and have the design skills of a potato.
Easy to install
Installation is pretty much a case of installing Tailwind CSS, headlessui and icons. And is made so easy that I actually felt stupid creating a Nuxt 3 installation guide for Tailwind CSS as its so simple to do. The documentation does such a good job of talking you through setup and there are individual guides for installing Tailwind on different frameworks. Although at the time of writing this, there isn’t a guide for WordPress, but don’t worry you can check out my WordPress Tailwind installation guide here.
Constant Updates
The team behind Tailwind UI are constantly adding new components and updating existing ones. This is great as you only have to pay for access once but get all of the updates forever. This means you have constant access to modern looking components, and never have an excuse to have a dated looking website!
Familiarity (if you already use Tailwind CSS)
This isn’t to be overlooked. If you already use Tailwind CSS (which I’m assuming you do if you are reading this), then this will mean that using Tailwind UI is ridiculously simple for you. It’s underrated how important this is. If you are constantly using Tailwind CSS then it will just feel natural using Tailwind UI.
Easy to customise
The nature of Tailwind CSS is that it is easy to customise. As Tailwind UI is created using Tailwind CSS classes, it is ridiculously easy to customise. Simple add or remove and classes or markup as needed.
Cons of using Tailwind UI
I need to be honest here, I am struggling to think of any cons. But for the purpose of writing a balanced review I will think hard and come up with something. So here goes… Erm.. Okay I’ve got one. The templates are only only available in React and Next.js. It would be great if the templates were available in Vue.js and Nuxt.js. But to be honest, at the time of purchasing Tailwind UI, the templates weren’t even available so it seems harsh to be negative about something which I didn’t even really pay for.
Tailwind UI vs DaisyUI
I need to have a play around with DaisyUI so I will update this when I have done so. I might even make a video comparing the two.
Is Tailwind UI good value for money?
Yes, Tailwind UI is good value for money. If they didn’t keep adding to it and updating it, it would be good value for money. But the fact that they are constantly updating and adding components, it is excellent value for money.
Should you buy Tailwind UI?
The short answer is yes. Yes you should absolutely buy Tailwind UI. Tailwind UI is the best thing I have ever spent money on. Here is how I can justify saying this. Many of these reasons have been mentioned in the pros of using Tailwind UI section above, but there are relevant here.
Tailwind UI is a time saver
I use it pretty much every single day, and I can safely say that it saves me days worth of time, that’s right, days. Not hours, days. Think about it. If you were to design just one of the Tailwind UI components yourself it would take you a long time. And the chances are, unless you are a talented designer, it would not look anywhere near as good as the components on Tailwind UI. Also, you can customise the components to look exactly how you want them. Even if you are going to make lots of changes, you still have a really strong starting point from which to build upon.
Never have an outdated looking website
Because the components on Tailwind UI are constantly being updated, and new components are being added, your websites will always look modern. And you don’t need to pay for updates. You pay once and get updates for life. This is another reason why you should buy Tailwind UI.
Simple and Fun to use
Tailwind UI is simple to use and fun to use. This is important as it makes your life easier. If it’s intuitive and easy to use, which it is, then you will have more fun using it.
Overall it is a no-brainer from my point of view. Tailwind UI speeds up development, is fun and simple to use and offers a great all round experience. So I 100% recommend using Tailwind UI.
My opinion of Tailwind UI in 2024
It is now 2024 and I am still using Tailwind UI pretty much every day. The team have released even more fresh components and templates. This further enforces the point that it is great value for money. Remember, you can pay just once for lifetime access!
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