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WordPress websites

Grandma proof Websites that you can update yourself! See how I can get you up and running with a fancy WordPress website for your business.

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WordPress Websites

WordPress, is it for me?

So you need a website, but where do you start? You’ve heard of WordPress. You might have even heard of terms like “content management system” and “html”. What on earth does it all mean? And what is the best option for you?

Don’t worry! I’m about to tell you all about WordPress websites. So you can decide if this is the type of website that you need. I’m not here to do a hard sell. It might be the case that WordPress isn’t what you need. Although I can help with that too!

Grandma proof WordPress websites

"Even I can almost use the WordPress user interface"

Grandma, 2023

Almost Grandma Proof

What is a WordPress website?

A WordPress website is a website built using the WordPress content management system (CMS).

WordPress is one of the most popular website platforms for a number of reasons. I find WordPress to be a great tool for websites that need updating regularly or need to have new content added regularly!

The user interface is almost Grandma proof… almost. New pages can be created at the click of a button, and editing existing pages is a breeze.

WordPress Build Process

How I will build your WordPress website?

Building a WordPress website is a simple process that I have carried out hundreds of times. Here's how I do it

Gather info
The first thing I will do is send you a simple questionnaire about your website. This is for you to fill out and email back to me
The build
Once all information has been gathered from yourself, I will begin the build process
Once your website is built, I will press a big red button, and your website will be available for the world to see!

Who are WordPress websites suitable for?

WordPress websites are a great choice for anyone who wants a website to show off their business. They are also a good choice for businesses that want to be found on Google as they have great SEO tools. Some popular industries that WordPress is a good choice for:

WordPress Website Pricing

The right price for you, whoever you are

Simple Pricing

Hosting required
£900 then £35/month
  • Hosting
  • Hosting
Get started today

Don’t need to update your website yourself?

Don’t think a WordPress website is what you need? Maybe a static site would be more suitable. These are a cheaper, just as good looking option. The only difference is that you won’t be able to update the content for yourself

Getting Started

How can I get started with a WordPress website from Codingoblin?

Getting started is simple. Just drop me a message here to let me know you are interested in having me build you a WordPress website and I will get back to you ASAP to start the process.

WordPress websites frequently asked questions

Check out the frequently asked WordPress questions. Still got a question or need clarification on anything? Drop me a message and I'll be happy to help!

Can I use my own hosting?
Yes, you can use your own hosting. You can also host your website through me.
How long does it take for you to build a WordPress website?
This will depend your exact requirements. But once I have all the content for your website I can have it built in a couple of days.
How many pages can I have on my WordPress website?
You can have as many pages as you like. Drop me a message and we can discuss this further.
I need a domain name, can you help me with this?
Its best if you own your domain name yourself. I can point you in the right direction with this.
I have an existing website on a different platform, can you help me switch to WordPress?
Yes, I can help you switch your website from another platform over to WordPress.

Take the first step

Got an existing WordPress website you need help with or looking to build a new WordPress website? Drop me a message via the contact form or send me an email and I'll get back to you ASAP