Auto generated estimates for your website
I build estimate calculators that get you more leads and simplify the quotation process for your business
Get more leads with an estimate calculator
Make more money
So you want to get more leads through your website. And you know the solution is simple. You need some software you can access online that gathers data and creates estimates. So you start looking for a pre-built plugin. You read their website and everything sounds great. It’s going to completely solve your problem. You pay for it and install it on your website. But then you start to use it. And sure, it kind of works. And the styling of it kind of matches your existing brand. But it feels clunky. And is slightly confusing for your users. Sound familiar?
You need a custom estimate system.
Now imagine you have the functionality that works EXACTLY how you need it to. It asks your users the exact questions you want it to. It calculates estimates exactly how you want it to. It matches your existing website branding to the tee. And is simple for your users, staff, and yourself to use. The bottleneck you were experiencing in your business is gone. You are generating twice as many leads and following up on those leads is half as much work. No more confusion. No more pain.
You are imagining an estimate calculator built by Codingoblin.
Start getting leads
Convert your web traffic into solid leads with an estimate calculator
“If you are looking for a tool to help your business run more smoothly, John is the go to guy. It’s clear that he is a great developer who also understands the needs of businesses. And for this reason I cannot recommend John more highly.”
How an online quote tool could boost your business
How could your business benefit from an estimate system?
There are endless opportunities to enhance your business and make it run more smoothly. One of the most common requests I get is for automatic estimate systems.
I have built a lot of quotation and estimate systems. They can be a great addition to your website and help to boost leads dramatically.
Because there is the promise of an estimate at the end of the process, customers are far more likely to fill out an estimate form over a regular contact form. This makes estimate calculators a powerful lead generation tool. They also simplify your handling of leads as they gather so much information about your customers requirements. AND, if you have service area checking built in they save you and your staff a ton of time!
I recently built one for a shed removal company. The goal was to simplify the quotation process and eliminate time wasting activities such as dealing with out of area enquiries.
Stop wasting time dealing with out of area enquiries
Service area checking built in to your estimate system
Dealing with enquiries that fall out of your service are is a complete waste of time. That's why I built Service Area WIZARD. This tool allows me to incorporate service area checking into the quote calculators I build!
When a new lead comes through from an estimate calculator, the business and the potential client are notified if their postcode / zip code is in or outside of the business service area. This saves everyone involved, time and effort. Allowing the business to focus on the leads that are in their service area.
Popular Use Cases
Estimate calculators can be an effective tool for getting more leads in many different industries. Check out some of the common use cases.
- Web Design
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- Get more web design leads with a web design estimate calculator
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I needed a tool to automatically create estimates for my customers. It had to be easy to setup and easy for the end user to get an estimate. Estimate Calculators solves these problems and makes your website a lead generation machine!
Need an estimate calculator?
Drop me a message now and let me know about your business. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
- [email protected]