How to setup Laravel Jetstream with Inertia.js on MAMP localhost
Getting setup with Laravel Jetstream and Inertiajs is a simple process and can be done in 5 minutes. All code for this tutorial can be found below the video.
1. Install Laravel
The first thing you need to do is install Laravel. In the terminal go to the folder where you want to install your Laravel Jetstream project. Run the following command, replacing ‘business_tool’ with the name you want to give your project:
composer create-project laravel/laravel business_tool
Let the installation run, it may take a minute or so depending on the speed of your internet.
2. Install Jetstream
Now we have Laravel installed, we need to install Jetstream. Navigate to the Laravel project you just created in the terminal (replace ‘business_tool’ with the name of your project):
cd business_tool
Then run the following command:
composer require laravel/jetstream
Again, let the installation happen, it might take a while.
3. Install Inertia.js
Run the following command to install Inertia.js:
php artisan jetstream:install inertia
Now run:
npm install
Let it install then run:
npm run build
Let the build happen. We are nearly there!
4. Create a database in MAMP
Now we need to create a database in MAMP so that we can use our new Laravel Jetstream installation on our localhost. Open the MAMP WebStart page and navigate to “phpMyAdmin”
Now give your database a name and click create:
5. Edit your .env file
We now need to edit the .env file in your project. Go ahead and open up the file. Find where the database configurations are and enter the following (remember to replace “business_tool” with the name of the database you just created). Add “DB_SOCKET” and make it equal to the the socket displayed on the MAMP WebStart page under MySQL.
6. Run the migration command
We now need to run the migration artisan command:
php artisan migrate
Your database should now be up and running. We just have a couple more commands to run and we will be setup with Laravel Jetstream and inertiajs!
Last commands to complete the setup of Laravel Jetstream with Inertiajs
We now need to run a couple of commands to get our Jetstream app going:
php artisan serve
Now open another terminal window. This is important because the previous command and the next command need to be running simultaneously . In the new terminal window run:
npm run dev
You’re good to go!
Now you are all set up! Head over to localhost:8000 and you should see your Laravel Jetstream app with inertiajs all setup!
I have videos too!
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