Laravel Jetstream with inertiajs on MAMP
How to setup Laravel Jetstream with Inertiajs on localhost (MAMP)
How to deploy your Laravel application to a live server. In this example I will be using Cloudways by Digital Ocean. The Laravel app I will be deploying is built with Jetstream and Inertia.js. This in depth guide will take you through the entire deployment process.
Deploying a Laravel app can be tricky at times. Things seem to be going smoothly and then suddenly everything falls apart. I know the feeling! Luckily, deploying a Laravel web app to Cloudways hosting is really easy. In this guide I will show you the exact steps you need to take to get your Laravel app live on Cloudways.
In this guide I will go through step-by-step exactly what you need to do to deploy Laravel to Cloudways.
The first thing you need to do is create an account with Cloudways. This is easy to do and is a case of filling out your details and verifying your email address.
Once you have created your account, Cloudways will take you straight to the server creation page. You will be presented with options for your application and server details.
Select “Laravel” from the first select menu, then give names to your application, server and project. It doesn’t matter what you name these so don’t get bogged down trying to think of something clever. I named my server “Server 1”. Original.
You can now select your server. By default it is set to DigitalOcean. I personally have always used DigitalOcean and had good experiences using this option. If you want to use AWS or one of the other options it should work exactly the same – however I have not tested them so cannot confirm this.
You now need to select the size of your server. For production Laravel apps, Cloudways suggest you use at least a 4GB server. You can get away with lower and scale the size of your server at any time so don’t worry if you want to start with a smaller one.
Select the server location that is nearest to where your users are located. This isn’t the most important selection but in theory it should be slightly faster if its near where your app is being accessed from. Don’t get bogged down with this.
Once you have set all of these options you can click the “Launch Now” button and Cloudways will start setting up your server! This will take a few minutes, so be patient.
We will be deploying our Laravel application to Cloudways via Git. So in order to do this we need to add our Laravel app to Github. The exact git commands you need to use vary depending on the version of git you have running on your machine. For full reference you can checkout these github docs.
We need to create a local git repository. In the terminal, navigate to the root of your Laravel project. Check your Git version so you know which commands to run. Run the relevant command to initialise a new local repository
Git 2.28.0 or later version
git init -b main
Git 2.27.1 or earlier version
git init && git symbolic-ref HEAD refs/heads/main
We have now initialised an empty git repository. So we need to add the files from our Laravel app. Run the following commands in the route of your Laravel app.
git add .
git commit -m "First commit"
We now need to create a remote repository on Github and push our local repository to it. Run the following command in the root of your Laravel project.
gh repo create
Running this command will present you with a series of options in the terminal. These are the options you want to select:
Now if you go to your Github account and view the repositories page, you will see this newly created repository. And all the code from your local repo will be in there! Great stuff.
Caching is useful. However when in development it can make you want to pull your hair out. For this reason I recommend you deactivate it whilst deploying your Laravel project on Cloudways.
Navigate to your newly created application. Then go to application settings. In the “General” tab, scroll down to the section labelled “Varnish”. Disable Varnish.
We are making good progress. Now head to the “Deployment via GIT” tab in the left hand menu of your application settings on Cloudways. Now take the following steps:
If you have followed these steps correctly your Laravel application will be cloned from your Github repository into your Cloudways server.
We need to access our server via the terminal in order to run a couple of commands. Don’t worry, this is easy to do and I will give you exact steps so you don’t mess this up.
Head to the server in Cloudways. Once in your server settings, head to the “Master Credentials” tab. Now click “Launch SSH Terminal”, this will open the terminal in a new tab. If you are using Chrome you will probably get a warning saying that “Your connection is not private”. If you get this message, click “Advanced” then click the “proceed to (unsafe)” link. Now use the username and password from the “Master Credentials” page to login to the SSH terminal.
Now you have logged into your SSH terminal, we want to navigate to to the “public_html/” directory as this is where our Laravel project files are. The following commands will help you to do this:
If you are struggling with this, watch this part of my video guide as it shows exactly how to use the commands.
Once you are in the “public_html/” directory we need to run the following commands:
composer update
composer install
npm update
npm install
npm run build
I'm assuming that you haven't uploaded your build files to your Github repository. If you have done this, you do not need to run npm run build
in your server's SSH terminal.
We are nearly there. We need to make some changes to the .env file that is in our Laravel application on our Cloudways server. You should never push the .env file from your local repository to your remote Github repository. By default git will exclude this file in the .gitignore file that is created when you initialised the local git repository. There will be a different .env file on your server. We need to access this.
Head back to our application settings in Cloudways. We need to go to the “Access Details” tab in the left hand menu. Scroll down and click “Add SFTP User”. Create a user with a username and password. Now you will need to SFTP into your server using an FTP client such as FileZilla.
Once you have successfully connected to your server via SFTP, navigate to the “public_html” directory. In this directory you will find the .env
file. We need to edit this file. In FileZilla right click the .env
file and click “View/Edit”. This should open the file for us to edit!
The environment variables we are interested in are those relating to the database connection. On the “Access Details” tab in our Cloudways application we will find the details we need. Copy the DB Name, Username and Password and paste them into the corresponding .env variables: DB_DATABASE, DB_USERNAME and DB_PASSWORD. Save the changes made to the .env file and upload them to the server. Overwriting the previous version of the .env file.
We are nearly there. We just need to run our database migrations. Head back to the SSH terminal on our Cloudways server. Once again, make sure you are in the “public_html/” directory. Run the following command:
php artisan migrate
All of our database tables should now have been migrated.
We are now at a point where we should be able to see our live application. Go back to the “Access Details” tab in cloudways. You will see an “Application URL” link, click this link and you will be able to see your live application!
I have videos too!
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Cloudways makes hosting your Laravel web apps easy. They take care of all the server configurations so you can focus on development.
How to setup Laravel Jetstream with Inertiajs on localhost (MAMP)
How to use roles and permissions in a Laravel Jetstream (Inertiajs) application using the Spatie Permission package.
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